Aloha 2019; Aloha 2020

With a few hours to go for the end of 2019, here's some reflection on the last 360+ days of the year.

2019 has been an year of reflection, change, positivity and eye opener.

Early this year started on a very not so steady platform. Personally and professionally. As the days and weeks went by, things didnt get better. Two families I grew up with over the last 6 years, I decided to let go from my life. TEDxColombo and ICTA. One for personal reasons and one for professional reasons. Things didnt seem great at all. And then came the horrible Easter attacks. Friends became enemies. Yet I made so many new good hearted friends. While many were fighting using the keyboard, I decided to put the keyboard to good use. With the help of many like minded and kind hearted people, we helped a lot of people in need. And continue to do so. I say we coz Im not doing this alone at all. Cheers to all the good, kind hearted people who have volunteered their time and money for the various initiatives.

By April, one chapter had ended and a month later, I started another. A new job, a new set of old colleagues, new work, more work, new environment. Many ups and some downs but it's been going great ever since. Hoping that 2020 is going to be much more exciting and we'll get to do much much more.

Also this year, I found out who were my real friends, who was working with me, who was working against me and most importantly who was backstabbing me. I've learned to keep the toxic people away from my life and some still try to find a way into it. But hopefully they will disappear in the future.

I've had a lot of fun too this year working on some amazing new projects. Learnt quite a few new things and have decided to let go of things burdening my head.

And amongst all this mess, I found that one special person sometime this year. Together, we've been through quite a bit. And I will be saying "I do" in a few days time.

Positive, negative? I'd always say positive. Everything happens for a reason.

Here's to a wonderful 2020 to you, me and everyone..

Happy new year everyone. 


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